The Mighty Peace Country by legitprivilege
The Mighty Peace County was the title Reddit user /u/legitprivilege gave to this beautiful post-apocalyptic map when he posted it on DeviantArt. It shows a Canada in exile in the north, damaged by some event that destroyed the southern cities. Supposedly taking place a while after some vague all-out nuclear war, by 2150 the Canadian capital of Grande Prairie has reached 2.5 million in population, as indicated by legitprivilege's "prequel" to this map here. He doesn't give much information on what lead to the map you see above, and here it seems to be a result of the mapmaker working towards a predetermined goal while filling in the backstory later on. In his comments about the map, he also hasn't mentioned much about the rest of the world, stating that except for a bustling federated African Union, most of the world is arid and largely defunct. He mentions that there are loose governments in Nunavut and Alaska that are loosely associated with Canada, but for the most part they're alone in their continent. Even though it's such an amazing map, in my opinion it could be even better with a little bit of extra backstory.
Legitprivilege mentioned that he focused a lot on the economy and exports of every area of Canada in this universe. If you look at the full version, you can see each little area and the things they produce. The economics all work out because, according to him, "To have extensive northern farming, you just need an extensive local population". If you need any more context for this, take a look at his huge post on the factors that go into farming in the north. Overall, it's an amazing map, and the scenario is great if a little lore-light.
Honorable mentions this week go to "Breathing in that Emerald Air" by Dain-Siegfried and "Island of Doggerland" by /u/Camstonisland.
If you have any more map suggestions for next week, send them to me at!