Monday, October 10, 2016

October 10th, 2016 - The British Empire by Zek Sora

The British Empire by Zek Sora

The British Empire by Zek Sora tells the story of a massively wanked UK, apparently strengthening its hold on the Americas. This map was part of his world-building project known as The Century, and was originally submitted to the Map of the Fortnight 145 contest. His maps for the project had been entered into MotF before, but this was the first large-scale map for the TL. One of the maps, the echos of which could be seen if you click on the full version of this one, focuses just on the Kingdoms in the Americas. According to his writeup for that, the British Empire in The Century is divided up into three types of provinces. Firstly, there are the Kingdoms, autonomous regions appointed with their own king, and allowed to expand in their own directions. There are also the Provinces, who had some form of autonomous government but not much. They're allowed to elect their own mayors and in some cases their own rulers, but are still under the rule of Great Britain. Finally, Colonies are either ruled directly by the crown or by companies appointed by the crown, much in the same way they had been ruled IOTL. These changes came due to apparent rebellions against the Empire (such as the Cape Wars, which Zek Sora also made a map of here), and the fact that it had begun to overextend itself.

The map is extremely good, although it doesn't explore a style new to Zek Sora. His style has become a staple of the past few months, and that's probably why so many people love the cartographer he's become. I hope we continue to see more maps for this project, and more maps from the amazing upcoming mapmaker himself.

Honorable mentions this week go to "Uzbeki-Kyrgyzstani War of 2010" by zalezsky, "Czech Silesia" by Aven, and "Vandalic Wars" by WotanArgead.

If you have any more map suggestions for next week, send them to me at!


Hello, welcome to the beginning of my new blog! If you're scrolling backwards from the future, you've reached the start! This blog was formed out of my love for maps, and the fact that the previous staple alternate history blog is closing. Map Mondays had always been some of my favorite posts of his, and I enjoyed getting a description of every map he decided to feature. So, when he decided to close up shop, I talked to him about starting my own spinoff. Now, on a Monday, here's the first entry! In the future, I hope for posts to be longer, and possibly even feature multiple maps instead of just having an "Honorable Mentions" bar on the bottom. I might also end up going off-script a little, posting links to maps or a "Map Rundown" at times during the week. Either way, I hope this is enjoyable for everyone, and I hope I can keep it active!

- Rebecca Stirling

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